I have this mindset
this voice inside me
it tells me
I'm not worth shit
I'm not worth your time.
I may be wrong,
but I believe it.
I don't believe I deserve
I don't deserve
and you.
I'm not even gonna talk
that, my dear
would only make me
more inferior to you
and your love.
I can't even tell you
I love you
for that's such a trivial
juvinile statement.
I respect you
I think of you
you so high on a pedestal
I want you there
so you never get hurt
and turn out
like me.
I want you to be
happier than you've ever been.
I wish I could do that
I wish I could make you
a happy boy,
but not now.
Me, the juvinile girl
so perfect
in thought
in intent...
yet, such a fool with
relaying my love.