
You follow me around
as if I am something desired.
I know this,
yet I ignore it
because I feel that
you were never supposed to realize this.
You caught on as I mumbled in my sleep
...telling you that I am behind this mask
of control
controlling my overflow into the world.


And when I hang up the phone from speaking with you, I see my thoughts and words absorbed into your being, never to be forgotten.  And with that....I cry.


I just hate seeing you crying
smacking yourself emotionally
and all because of one girl
and her lack of knowledge
knowledge of how people are to be treated
in the bounds of love.
How people need respect
how some or most people
don't care about her anymore.
I yell at you so loudly
telling you how disappointed I am in you
and your actions
and I think I am a b*tch...
until you smile at me,
and cry.

Running in circles
every day of my life
knowing one day
I will finally stop to realize
that this smile on my face
is just another loop
to follow.